School Uniform

All children in Reception to Year 6 are expected to wear school uniform as detailed below.  Nursery children are not expected to wear uniform.  Parents may select uniform according to their child's preference from the list below.  We have no specific requirements for uniform depending on the weather but ask that parents always ensure their children will be warm enough during outside playtimes.

Uniform items may be purchased from any high street store, supermarket or other supplier. Logo embroidered uniform can be purchased from Marks and Spencer on  We also have links with a local 'LS12 School Uniform Scheme' who can provide parents with second hand uniform at no cost.  Parents can message the scheme via their Facebook page.

Parents are requested to label all clothing with their child’s name.

The list below gives details of which items are permittted as school uniform and which colours are allowed.

Clothing - bottoms

trousers, skirt, pinafore dress, long shorts - dark grey

gingham dress - green and white

socks - white, dark grey or black

tights - dark grey or dark green

Clothing - tops

shirt or blouse - white

polo t-shirt - white or dark grey

jumper, sweatshirt, tank top, cardigan - dark green or dark grey


We encourage children to be active during social times and outdoor learning, so would recommend for children to wear footwear that allows them to be active.  Children must not wear high heels, wedges or open toe sandals.  Ankle boots can be worn but not knee high boots for indoor wear.

school shoes or trainers - black

Wellington boots/snow boots/knee high boots may be worn outside during wet or cold weather and stored in the cloakroom.  Alternative indoor shoes will be needed to wear inside.


One stud earring may be worn in each ear.

No rings, necklaces or bracelets.  If these items are for religious reasons then we ask parents to discuss this with the school.

Hair accessories should be green, grey or white.

No large hair bows, clips or head bands.

Bandanas, balaclavas and neck scarves are not permitted.

Outdoor hats, gloves and scarves may be worn outside during colder weather

PE Kit

It is important that your child is properly dressed for Physical Education.  The children should come to school dressed in PE kit on the days that they have PE lessons, children will not be expected to wear uniform on these days.  Children are expected come to school in correct PE clothing as shown below.   Parents will be informed if their child repeatedly fails to wear the correct PE clothing.  Children without their own PE kit will be given school kit to wear.  If you are unsure of which days your child has PE then please speak to the class teacher or telephone the school office.

tshirt or polo shirt - white

shorts/leggings/skort/joggers - black


additional warm clothing for outdoor PE should be brought to school including a black, grey or dark green jumper or hoody.  These should not be needed all year round but should be provided in the autumn and sring terms.  Where possible, as much of our PE lessons will take place outside so it is useful for your child to have these warmer clothing options available.


If you have any questions about school uniform requirements, please telephone the school office who will be able to help.