

In Key Stage 1 the children experience daily Maths activities and build upon their practical learning from Foundation Stage.  In Key Stage 1 we aim for the children to develop:

  • a sound knowledge and understanding of early mathematics, especially of numbers and the numbers system 
  • the skills to use and apply this knowledge and understanding to real life situations
  • a growing awareness of the important role of mathematics in our world
  • a confidence and competence in maths

To help children achieve this we provide a stimulating learning environment and engaging activities.  Where possible Maths is practically based to allow children to visualise the concepts and processes involved. The use of practical apparatus and equipment is encouraged. 


In Key Stage 1 we place a lot of emphasis on children being able to work well using mental methods as well as being able to explain their reasoning/methods.  However the children are required to record much of their Maths work in their Maths books.  As children progress from Year 1 to Year 2 their written Maths work becomes increasingly formal.


Children work in mixed ability classes with their class teacher for Maths lessons.  Work is closely match to each child's stage of learning and those children who need support or challenge are given further differentiated learning.





 Please see our Homework and Useful Links pages for ideas on how to support your child at home.  You can find more detail of what the children will be working on this term on our This Term page.