In Upper Key Stage 2 the children experience daily Maths lessons and build upon their learning from Year 4 and 5. In Upper Key Stage 2 we aim for the children to develop:
To help children achieve this we provide a stimulating learning environment and engaging activities. In Upper Key Stage 2 children are grouped for Maths lessons according to their ability and stage of learning. This enables teachers to further differentiate the children's learning to ensure that all children access work appropriate to their level of learning and the next steps that they require. Children may have their Maths lessons with one of the other Year 5 and 6 teachers and not always their class teacher.
In Years 5 and 6 we place a lot of emphasis on children being able to work efficiently using mental methods as well as being able to explain their reasoning/methods articulately, using correct vocabulary. However, the children are required to record much of their Maths work in their Maths books and written Maths work in Years 5 and 6 is increasingly formal. By the end of Key Stage 2, children should be able to competently use written methods to calculate using all 4 number operations.
Children are given Maths homework each week which should be returned to their Maths teachers. Children also have access to online Maths learning through the Times Tables Rock Stars website which they can use to support and extend their learning at home.
Parents and carers might find it helpful to read our calculations policies so they are aware of which methods are taught in school.
Calculations Policy - addition
Calculations Policy - subtraction
Calculations Policy - multiplication
Calculations Policy - division