We welcome feedback from parents and carers throughout the year and provide formal opportunites for parents to feedback to the school at parent's evening and also through the use of questionnaires.
Questionnaires are carried regularly in school with all children but in addition we also survey parent's views at the end of each Key Stage of their child's time at school. These questionnaires are sent home with the children's written school report in the summer term for children at the end of Foundation Stage (Reception class), Key Stage 1 (Year 2) and Key Stage 2 (Year 6).
Parents may also wish to make use of the Parent View website where they can log their opinions about the school.
Please follow the link below:
If you have any concerns about your child or our procedures then please raise these with the school. It is in the best interest of children, parents/carers and the school to work together and maintain good relationships. However, there may be an occasion when you wish to raise a complaint. If this is the case then please follow our Complaints Procedure which can be read here.
A complaint form can also be downloaded here