Upper Key Stage 2 are the children who are in Years 5 and 6. The children in Upper Key Stage 2 are organised into three classes. Each class is made up of a mix of children from Years 5 and 6. Other factors are also considered when placing children into their Year 5 and 6 classes, such as the number of girls and boys or particular learning needs. Children within each class work at a level appropriate for their learning needs and all teachers differentiate lessons to ensure both support and challenge for those children who need it.
Children in the Year 5 and 6 classes are organised into sets for Maths and some children may have their Maths lessons with one of the other Year 5/6 teachers rather than their class teacher. This organisation enables lessons to be matched closely to the children's individual needs.
When children complete Year 5 they move into Year 6. They usually move class to be with a different class teacher.
Children move onto Secondary School at the end of Year 6 and the staff in Upper Key Stage 2 work closely with the local Secondary Schools to help the children make an effective transition to their next phase of learning.
Y5/6 Mrs Smith
Y5/6 Mrs Evans and Mrs Power
Y5/6 Mrs Rooney
Mr Collier works alongside the Year 5 and 6 staff at different time during the school year to teach intervention groups
Miss Swarray (Higher Level Teaching Assistant) and Mrs H Smith (SENDCo) also work alongside the Year 5 and 6 staff teaching whole classes for PPA cover.
Mrs Rooney is the Year 5/6 phase leader.
In addition there are learning support assistants who work between the three classes. This year the learning support assistants working in Year 5 and 6 are:
Mrs Burn Mrs Howarth Miss Keating Miss Watson
To find out more about learning in Year 5 and 6 please use the menu tabs at the top of this page.