Children in Key Stage 1 are given formal homework every week, usually on Thursday. This will include spellings to learn as well as a written English or Maths task. Completed homework should be returned to school the following Wednesday.
Children in Year 1 and 2 should also be reading every day. This may be their school reading book or another book from home or the library. Please remember to write in your child's reading record book when they read at home.
Below is the homework timetable for Key Stage 1 which details what children should be working on throughout the week.
Monday: Spellings; Reading
Tuesday: Practical Maths; Reading
Wednesday: English or Maths task in homework book; Reading
Thursday: Handwriting; Reading
Friday: Spellings; Reading
Please refer to the list of activities below for suggested practical Maths and English tasks. You might also like to view our page on useful links.
Learning at home should be enjoyable so limit the time you spend working with your child to short periods of time, ideally no more than 20 minutes at a time. At school we work to ensure that learning is practical and interesting for children and we recommend that any work done at home should be fun!
Calculations Policy - addition
Calculations Policy - subtraction
Calculations Policy - multiplication
Calculations Policy - division
Other Activities:
Here are some suggestions for extra little activities you can do to help your child practise their key skills. Some of these can be done without any written work: