Each week your child will receive one piece of written English and one piece of written Maths homework. The day that this work is set may vary but there will always be sufficient time to complete the task. Your child will be expected to learn a set of spellings each week. Occasionally an additional piece of homework related to their current topic will also be set.
We strongly recommend that your child completes the following additional work at home:
-Reading (This can be done with an adult or independently)
-Mental Maths practise (Times tables, number bonds, mental addition and subtraction)
-Handwriting practise
-Independent research on current topic
Learning at home should be enjoyable so limit the time you spend working with your child to short periods of time, ideally no more than 30 minutes at a time. At school we work to ensure that learning is interesting for children and we recommend that any work done at home should be fun!
Homework Tips:
· Work through the homework with your child. Talk about what to do and any mistakes your child makes. You could ask them to explain what they are doing and why, especially with Maths tasks.
· For spelling use the look, cover, write, check method. Your child will be familiar with this method as we practise it in school.
· If writing sentences make sure children use finger spaces, full stops and capital letters and their targets. They should be encouraged to spell words carefully using their phonics skills to help them. You might like to ask your child to practice again any words they mis-spellt especially high frequency words and any spellings given for homework.
Calculation Policy - Subtraction
Calculation Policy - Multiplication
When reading with your child…
· Give your child time to work out unfamiliar words before you tell them.
· If necessary prompt your child to use the letter sounds in the word. Use the sounds the letters are making not the letter names.
· Re-read the book again on a different occasion.
· Ask them to re-tell you the story without looking at the text.
· Encourage your child to add expression and intonation to their reading, particularly for characters speaking.
· Most importantly, discuss what you are reading to ensure your child understands what they have read. Ask questions about what is happening, why that might be happening, what could happen next, why characters might think or feel certain things and relate the story to their own experiences.
Each week your child will receive one piece of written English and one piece of written Maths homework. The day that this work is set may vary but there will always be sufficient time to complete the task. Your child will be expected to learn a set of spellings each week. Occasionally an additional piece of homework related to their current topic will also be set.
We strongly recommend that your child completes the following additional work at home:
-Reading (This can be done with an adult or independently)
-Mental Maths practise (Times tables, number bonds, mental addition and subtraction)
-Handwriting practise
-Independent research on current topic
Learning at home should be enjoyable so limit the time you spend working with your child to short periods of time, ideally no more than 30 minutes at a time. At school we work to ensure that learning is interesting for children and we recommend that any work done at home should be fun!
Homework Tips:
· Work through the homework with your child. Talk about what to do and any mistakes your child makes. You could ask them to explain what they are doing and why, especially with Maths tasks.
· For spelling use the look, cover, write, check method. Your child will be familiar with this method as we practise it in school.
· If writing sentences make sure children use finger spaces, full stops and capital letters and their targets. They should be encouraged to spell words carefully using their phonics skills to help them. You might like to ask your child to practice again any words they mis-spellt especially high frequency words and any spellings given for homework.
Calculation Policy - Subtraction
Calculation Policy - Multiplication
When reading with your child…
· Give your child time to work out unfamiliar words before you tell them.
· If necessary prompt your child to use the letter sounds in the word. Use the sounds the letters are making not the letter names.
· Re-read the book again on a different occasion.
· Ask them to re-tell you the story without looking at the text.
· Encourage your child to add expression and intonation to their reading, particularly for characters speaking.
· Most importantly, discuss what you are reading to ensure your child understands what they have read. Ask questions about what is happening, why that might be happening, what could happen next, why characters might think or feel certain things and relate the story to their own experiences.
Each week your child will receive one piece of written English and one piece of written Maths homework. The day that this work is set may vary but there will always be sufficient time to complete the task. Your child will be expected to learn a set of spellings each week. Occasionally an additional piece of homework related to their current topic will also be set.
We strongly recommend that your child completes the following additional work at home:
-Reading (This can be done with an adult or independently)
-Mental Maths practise (Times tables, number bonds, mental addition and subtraction)
-Handwriting practise
-Independent research on current topic
Learning at home should be enjoyable so limit the time you spend working with your child to short periods of time, ideally no more than 30 minutes at a time. At school we work to ensure that learning is interesting for children and we recommend that any work done at home should be fun!
Homework Tips:
· Work through the homework with your child. Talk about what to do and any mistakes your child makes. You could ask them to explain what they are doing and why, especially with Maths tasks.
· For spelling use the look, cover, write, check method. Your child will be familiar with this method as we practise it in school.
· If writing sentences make sure children use finger spaces, full stops and capital letters and their targets. They should be encouraged to spell words carefully using their phonics skills to help them. You might like to ask your child to practice again any words they mis-spellt especially high frequency words and any spellings given for homework.
Calculation Policy - Subtraction
Calculation Policy - Multiplication
When reading with your child…
· Give your child time to work out unfamiliar words before you tell them.
· If necessary prompt your child to use the letter sounds in the word. Use the sounds the letters are making not the letter names.
· Re-read the book again on a different occasion.
· Ask them to re-tell you the story without looking at the text.
· Encourage your child to add expression and intonation to their reading, particularly for characters speaking.
· Most importantly, discuss what you are reading to ensure your child understands what they have read. Ask questions about what is happening, why that might be happening, what could happen next, why characters might think or feel certain things and relate the story to their own experiences.