
The governing body has a range of duties and powers and a general responsibility for the conduct of the school. Its role is to promote high standards of educational achievement including setting targets for pupil achievement, managing the school's finances, making sure the curriculum is balanced and broadly based, appointing staff and reviewing staff performance and pay and many more.

 Click on this link to read the terms of reference which details the statutory duties that governors need to uphold -   Terms of reference.

The governors are appointed for a 4 year period, with the chair and vice-chair being elected annually. The Governing Body comprises of a Local Education Authority appointed governor, parent governors who are elected by the parents, a staff representative elected by the school staff and co-opted governors who are chosen by the Governing Body.

Much of the work of the governing body is carried out in committees, smaller groups of governors that are designated to specific roles.

Below is a list of our current governors and any current vacancies on the Governing Body.  The members of the different governing body committees are also listed below, along with a brief outline of what each committee works on.  

The Chair of the Governors is Mrs. A. Ferguson and she can be contacted via the school. Mrs H. Rymer is the named governor for Child Protection and Mrs B Giles is the named governor for SEND.

Governoring Body Members

(any specific responsibilities)
Term of office        
Appointed by
 Chair of Governors   Mrs Alison Ferguson

19/11/22 - 19/11/26    

Governing body
 Vice Chair of Governors  Mr Matthew Rix  18/12/22 - 18/12/26 Orginally elected by Parents - second term appointment by Governing body
 Headteacher  Mrs Jayne Geldard 31/08/22 - 31/08/26 In office as Headteacher
 LEA Representative  vacancy


 Staff Representative

 Mrs Rebecca Collier

02/11/22 - 02/11/26

School staff
 Parent Representatives vacancy - filled: new representatives to start Spring 25    
 Co-Opted Representatives  Mrs S Burn (CLA, PP) 18/11/2 - 18/11/26 Governing body

 Mrs Alison Ferguson (chair)

 (as above)


Mrs Barbara Giles (SEND)

08/12/22 - 09/12/26

Governing body
   Ms Ester Montana  31/03/2024 - 06/11/2024 Governing body
  Mrs Heather Rymer (Child Protection) 31/03/2024 - 01/04/2028 Governing body

 Mrs Karrie Alexander

 31/03/2024 - 01/04/2028

Originally elected by Parents - second term appointment by Governing body

Mrs Memory Mupfiga

07/11/2024 - 06/11/2028

Governing body


Governors Sub Committees

               Resources Committees

           Finance                                                               Personnel

           Mrs A Ferguson                                              Mrs A Ferguson (chair)

           Mr M Rix   (Chair)                                          Mrs J Geldard

           Mrs B  Giles                                                       Mr M Rix            

           Mrs J Geldard                                                

           Mrs R Collier                                                 

The main purpose of the Personnel committee is to ensure that the performance management process for staff is being correctly implemented and any pay decisions made are in line with policy. 

The Finance committee is responsible for ensuring that the school spending remains within budget and that all funds are spent wisely to best meet the needs of the pupils.


Learning and Teaching and Pupil Support Committee

             Mrs A Ferguson            Mrs S Burn

             Mrs J Geldard                Mrs K Alexander  (Chair)

             Mrs H Rymer                  Mrs R Collier

             Mrs M Mupfiga

The main purpose of this committee is to discuss and monitor all aspects of the school’s work around pupil attainment and progress, including all aspects of pastoral work which includes areas such as

attendance, behaviour, safeguarding, SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural provision) and health.


Declared business interests, financial interests, relationships and governance roles in other schools.   

Relationship:  Mrs R Collier is related to Mr A Collier (casual hours teacher at Lower Wortley Primary School).


Governors who have resigned/left within the last 12 months

Ms Ester Montana     31/03/2024 - 06/11/2024

Please click here to view details of governor's attendance at Governing body meetings for 2020/21.

Please click here to view details of governor's attendance at Governing body meetings for 2021/22.

Please click here to view details of governor's attendance at Governing body meetings for 2022/23.

Please click here to view details of governor's attendance at Govering body meetings for 2023/24.


The governing body has a range of duties and powers and a general responsibility for the conduct of the school. Its role is to promote high standards of educational achievement including setting targets for pupil achievement, managing the school's finances, making sure the curriculum is balanced and broadly based, appointing staff and reviewing staff performance and pay and many more.

 Click on this link to read the terms of reference which details the statutory duties that governors need to uphold -   Terms of reference.

The governors are appointed for a 4 year period, with the chair and vice-chair being elected annually. The Governing Body comprises of a Local Education Authority appointed governor, parent governors who are elected by the parents, a staff representative elected by the school staff and co-opted governors who are chosen by the Governing Body.

Much of the work of the governing body is carried out in committees, smaller groups of governors that are designated to specific roles.

Below is a list of our current governors and any current vacancies on the Governing Body.  The members of the different governing body committees are also listed below, along with a brief outline of what each committee works on.  

The Chair of the Governors is Mrs. A. Ferguson and she can be contacted via the school. Mrs H. Rymer is the named governor for Child Protection and Mrs B Giles is the named governor for SEND.

Governoring Body Members

(any specific responsibilities)
Term of office        
Appointed by
 Chair of Governors   Mrs Alison Ferguson

19/11/22 - 19/11/26    

Governing body
 Vice Chair of Governors  Mr Matthew Rix  18/12/22 - 18/12/26 Orginally elected by Parents - second term appointment by Governing body
 Headteacher  Mrs Jayne Geldard 31/08/22 - 31/08/26 In office as Headteacher
 LEA Representative  vacancy


 Staff Representative

 Mrs Rebecca Collier

02/11/22 - 02/11/26

School staff
 Parent Representatives vacancy - filled: new representatives to start Spring 25    
 Co-Opted Representatives  Mrs S Burn (CLA, PP) 18/11/2 - 18/11/26 Governing body

 Mrs Alison Ferguson (chair)

 (as above)


Mrs Barbara Giles (SEND)

08/12/22 - 09/12/26

Governing body
   Ms Ester Montana  31/03/2024 - 06/11/2024 Governing body
  Mrs Heather Rymer (Child Protection) 31/03/2024 - 01/04/2028 Governing body

 Mrs Karrie Alexander

 31/03/2024 - 01/04/2028

Originally elected by Parents - second term appointment by Governing body

Mrs Memory Mupfiga

07/11/2024 - 06/11/2028

Governing body


Governors Sub Committees

               Resources Committees

           Finance                                                               Personnel

           Mrs A Ferguson                                              Mrs A Ferguson (chair)

           Mr M Rix   (Chair)                                          Mrs J Geldard

           Mrs B  Giles                                                       Mr M Rix            

           Mrs J Geldard                                                

           Mrs R Collier                                                 

The main purpose of the Personnel committee is to ensure that the performance management process for staff is being correctly implemented and any pay decisions made are in line with policy. 

The Finance committee is responsible for ensuring that the school spending remains within budget and that all funds are spent wisely to best meet the needs of the pupils.


Learning and Teaching and Pupil Support Committee

             Mrs A Ferguson            Mrs S Burn

             Mrs J Geldard                Mrs K Alexander  (Chair)

             Mrs H Rymer                  Mrs R Collier

             Mrs M Mupfiga

The main purpose of this committee is to discuss and monitor all aspects of the school’s work around pupil attainment and progress, including all aspects of pastoral work which includes areas such as

attendance, behaviour, safeguarding, SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural provision) and health.


Declared business interests, financial interests, relationships and governance roles in other schools.   

Relationship:  Mrs R Collier is related to Mr A Collier (casual hours teacher at Lower Wortley Primary School).


Governors who have resigned/left within the last 12 months

Ms Ester Montana     31/03/2024 - 06/11/2024

Please click here to view details of governor's attendance at Governing body meetings for 2020/21.

Please click here to view details of governor's attendance at Governing body meetings for 2021/22.

Please click here to view details of governor's attendance at Governing body meetings for 2022/23.

Please click here to view details of governor's attendance at Govering body meetings for 2023/24.