Topic work

In Nursery the Early Years Curriculum is taught through a cross-curricular approach. Each term learning focuses on a particular topic.  Each week adult directed learning opportunities are planned that help the children progress with their key skills, attitudes and dispositions.  In addition to this, child initiated activities and areas of provision provide further opportunity to develop understanding and learn more through independent play and activity.

In Nursery topic focuses take place throughout the week and are taught in both the morning and afternoon sessions.  Learning is differentiated to match the children's stage of learning. Links are made with other areas of learning such as Literacy, Maths and physical development to ensure that the children are fully engaged with their learning.

The chart below details what topics and questions the children will be learning over the next term.  Details of the other themes that the children cover over our two year cycle can be found on the curriculum pages.


Below are the topic maps for this term which detail the learning that the children will do over the term.

Spring Term: First Half Term - What is it like in a frozen kingdom?
Spring Term - Second Half Term: How do things change as they grow?