
We are an educational nursery attached to Lower Wortley Primary School and open term time only for children aged between 3 and 4 years old.

We currently have two nursery sessions each day for 15 hours provision. Children are offered either a morning place OR an afternoon place.
The session times are:

Morning – 8.45am-11.45am
Afternoon – 12.30pm-3.30pm

In addition we also offer two and half day places for children accessing 15 hours provision.

For further information about 30 hours provision, please see the information further below on this page.

There are currently four members of staff who work in nursery at different times during the day. Mrs Hodgson is the nursery teacher, Miss Sharp is a nursery nurses and Miss Hullah is a learning support assistant.  At some points during the week Miss Gibbon, a nursery nurse, also works in the Nursery. In addition to these members of staff, Mrs Barker provides lunchtime supervision and Mrs Wilson is the Lower School Strategic leader who supports the Nursery staff as well as co-ordinating learning with the Reception classes.

Our aim is to provide a safe, secure and happy learning environment where all children are valued and encouraged to reach their full potential.
We have an ‘open door’ policy at Lower Wortley Nursery to ensure that all parents/carers always feel welcome. Our staff are happy to discuss anything that you are uncertain or anxious about. Please feel free to come and talk to us at any time, we want to be able to support both you and your child during these vital early educational steps.

Further information about the the Nursery curriculum and what the children are learning about in Nursery this term can be found using the menu links at the top of this page.


Starting Nursery

Children must be three years of age to attend the Nursery.  Any enquiries must be made directly to the school. We currently only offer morning/afternoon sessions or two and a half days for 15 hours provision.  Parents or carers may make a preference for morning or afternoon session or start or end of the week, but cannot be guaranteed their choice. Children must attend all the session that they are registered for each week. A waiting list is kept by the school and a child’s name may be entered after the child’s first birthday. Once a place becomes available, parents and carers will be approached by Nursery staff to arrange a start date and also a mutually convenient time for a home visit prior to the child starting Nursery.

30 Hours Provision

We are also able to offer a limited number of places for FEEE 30 hours provision places.  Parent/carers wishing to take up this offer will need to provide their National Insurance Number and Eligibility Voucher Code to the school office when enquiring about a place.  If you are a working parent/carer and wish to check your eligibilty you can do so on the government website.

If you would like to enquire about a nursery place please ring: 
0113 3230152.

You may wish to read our Nursery admission policy which is detailed on our page about school admissions.  Please click here.