What are Clusters?
Clusters are groups of professionals who coordinate the range of services available to families in local areas. This usually comprises of representatives from schools, health professionals, social workers, third sector partners, youth offending team, youth service, housing…and others. Clusters offer expertise in family support, improving school attendance and supporting behavioural, emotional and developmental needs. As needs may vary from area to area, so the services offered also vary – no two clusters work in exactly the same way. Cluster working arrangements are designed to ensure that families are offered the right intervention at the right time, as early as possible in the life of a problem, to prevent issues escalating which may result in poor outcomes for the family. They offer support through a range of strategies including therapies, counselling or courses all aimed at helping young people achieve their best. Cluster referrals are usually made via school or NHS services.
Each cluster has a Targeted Services Leader (TSL), whose role is to promote and monitor effective integrated working. The TSL for Lower Wortley Primary School is Amanda Hargreaves .
For specific cluster related enquiries or concerns, please contact your child’s school in the first instance.
For more information about cluster services, how to seek support or what will happen if your family is receiving support then click here for our Cluster services guide.
What are Clusters?
Clusters are groups of professionals who coordinate the range of services available to families in local areas. This usually comprises of representatives from schools, health professionals, social workers, third sector partners, youth offending team, youth service, housing…and others. Clusters offer expertise in family support, improving school attendance and supporting behavioural, emotional and developmental needs. As needs may vary from area to area, so the services offered also vary – no two clusters work in exactly the same way. Cluster working arrangements are designed to ensure that families are offered the right intervention at the right time, as early as possible in the life of a problem, to prevent issues escalating which may result in poor outcomes for the family. They offer support through a range of strategies including therapies, counselling or courses all aimed at helping young people achieve their best. Cluster referrals are usually made via school or NHS services.
Each cluster has a Targeted Services Leader (TSL), whose role is to promote and monitor effective integrated working. The TSL for Lower Wortley Primary School is Amanda Hargreaves .
For specific cluster related enquiries or concerns, please contact your child’s school in the first instance.
For more information about cluster services, how to seek support or what will happen if your family is receiving support then click here for our Cluster services guide.
What are Clusters?
Clusters are groups of professionals who coordinate the range of services available to families in local areas. This usually comprises of representatives from schools, health professionals, social workers, third sector partners, youth offending team, youth service, housing…and others. Clusters offer expertise in family support, improving school attendance and supporting behavioural, emotional and developmental needs. As needs may vary from area to area, so the services offered also vary – no two clusters work in exactly the same way. Cluster working arrangements are designed to ensure that families are offered the right intervention at the right time, as early as possible in the life of a problem, to prevent issues escalating which may result in poor outcomes for the family. They offer support through a range of strategies including therapies, counselling or courses all aimed at helping young people achieve their best. Cluster referrals are usually made via school or NHS services.
Each cluster has a Targeted Services Leader (TSL), whose role is to promote and monitor effective integrated working. The TSL for Lower Wortley Primary School is Amanda Hargreaves .
For specific cluster related enquiries or concerns, please contact your child’s school in the first instance.
For more information about cluster services, how to seek support or what will happen if your family is receiving support then click here for our Cluster services guide.