Life Curriculum

Developing the whole child and ensuring that children leave our school ready for the world outside of school is central to our school vision. 

As part of the National Curriculum published in 2014 the government removed the learning objectives for the subject formally called Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and replaced it with a simple statement:

 “All schools should make provision for personal, social, health and economic education.”

In conjunction with this the Department for Education has told all schools that they must “promote British values” and advised that schools do this through their Spiritual Moral, Social and Cultural education.

All of these ideas and concepts are already embedded in our ethos and in a range of curriculum areas.  However, to bring all these vital elements together and ensure children are fully prepared for their journey into adult society we decided to incorporate all elements of personal, social, health, spiritual, moral and cultural education into one area which we have re-named the ‘Life’ curriculum.  We felt that since so many of these areas prepare the children for their future experiences and relationships in life that this seemed an appropriate name to call it.

 Please follow the links below for more information:

KS1 overview 2021

Lower KS2 overview 2021

Upper KS2 overview 2021


Read more information about British Values on our information page here:  British Values

Policies about our Life Curriculum and Relationships, Sex and Relationships and Health education can be read on the policies page through the menu above or by clicking here.

Please also read the information about Relationships, Sex and Relationships and Health Education which can be found on this page here.