Online Safety

Online or E-safety is a term which means not only the internet but other ways in which young people communicate using electronic media, e.g. mobile phones.  It means ensuring that children and young people are protected from harm and supported to achieve the maximum benefit from new and developing technologies without risk to themselves or others.

The aim of promoting online safety is to protect young people from the adverse consequences of access or use of electronic media, including from bullying, inappropriate behaviour or exploitation.

In our school children are taught specific rules regarding online safety through direct teaching sessions at an age appropriate level as part of our Life Curriculum.  To read more about the content of the Life Curriculum please click here.  Our Online Safety policy can also be read on the policies page of this website using the menu above or by clicking here.

The links on this page aim to provide additional support to our  teaching in school.  Parents and children can access the relevant resources to consolidate their learning.

Reception/KS1 Resources

SMartie the Penguin - online book about safety online

Think U Know - 5 to 7: games and resources

CBBC - esafety games and resources

UK Safer Internet Centre - Ages 3-11

Below is a link to the CEOP Cartoon Series  'Jessie and Friends' that teaches children 5 to 7 years about the importance of e-safety.  

Jessie and Friends Site - CEOP

The CEOP website also has a lot of videos for parents with tip on how to ensure your child stays safe online.

CEOP - Home Safety activities

Parents and carers should also read the guidance on our parents' Online safety page as it contains a lot of useful information about safety settings for devices and other useful links.  This can be found here.

Online safety displays around school also provide a visual reminder of using the internet safely.


KS2 Resources

Childnet esafety - KS2

UK Safer Internet Centre - Ages 3-11

Think U Know - 8 to 10: quizzes and information

Below is a link to the CEOP KS2 video series "Play, Like Share '' that teaches children 8 to 10 years about the importance of e-safety.  

Play, Like, Share - CEOP