Topic Work

In Lower Key Stage 2 the National Curriculum subjects are taught through a cross-curricular approach. Each term learning focuses on a particular theme.  We have a question based format where children are presented with a question each week and learning opportunities are planned that help the children to answer the question.

In Lower Key Stage 2 Topic lessons take place two times each week and are taught in mixed ability classes with their class teacher.  Learning is differentiated to match the children's knowledge, skills and progress.  In addition links are made with other lessons such as English, Maths, PE and computing  to ensure that children are fully engaged with the Topic.

Below are details about the Topic and the key questions  that the children will be learning over the next term.   


The topic maps below show more detail about what the children will be learning in their topic lessons this term.

Spring Term - First Half Term: Who were the Ancient Egyptians?
Spring Term: Second Half Term - Who were the Ancient Egyptians?